Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Wide Audience

While writing my upcoming book I SAW YOUR FUTURE AND HE'S NOT IT: A PSYCHIC'S GUIDE TO TRUE LOVE, my co-author and niece Kim Osborn Sullivan and I geared it primarily toward women. Since so many of my clients who call for psychic readings are women calling for love and relationship advice, that was our target audience. Certainly I knew that it would appeal to some men. I have a healthy number of male clients and they're definitely not immune to worries about their love lives. Also, a couple of my brothers and Kim's husband have read it and offered positive feedback, but in general, we thought the title and subject of the book, along with its pink cover and female-oriented viewpoint would speak to women more than men. But early signs are pointing to an unexpected source of male book-buyers.

My co-author Kim has been promoting some of her other books at author fairs around Chicago these past couple months, and while she's speaking with readers, she's also handing out promotional postcards for I SAW YOUR FUTURE. We're thrilled that so many people are enthusiastic about the book, but as expected, most of the people who ask about it are women. However, there are also a substantial number of men who take the promo cards and ask when the book will be available for sale. When Kim talks to them, it turns out that many are fathers and they want to give a copy to their daughters. The fathers say they like this book's emphasis on empowering women to be in control of their love lives and trusting intuition when it says something isn't right. These fathers are looking for ways to protect their daughters from men who might take advantage of unsuspecting young women.

We hadn't written the book specifically to make a dad's job easier, but now that they mention it, I SAW YOUR FUTURE does offer some much-needed help. It makes Kim and I feel so good to know that our message is already coming through, and we hope the book will benefit many people – both men and women.

Blessings to all,
Louise Helene

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Update on I Saw Your Future and He's Not It

It's been a very exciting year so far as my niece Kim Osborn Sullivan and I await the release of our psychic relationship book I SAW YOUR FUTURE AND HE'S NOT IT: A PSYCHIC'S GUIDE TO TRUE LOVE. Now, with only three months until it's available, things are starting to happen fast. Kim just wrote a summary of what's been going on lately and posted it at her blog. hope you'll head over there for an update. And, of course, I'll let you know when we have more details.
Blessings to all!
Louise Helene